fact 1 : I'm using photo for achive my memories, and it reactivate my feelings that i felt at that time. but, actually, i'm not sure. i feel warm and cosy sunshine seeing the light on the water, but how could i know now if it was little bit cold or hot ?
fact 2 : Susan Sontag said the photography is one of the medium most violent. Images portrayed on photo represent some kind of situation, so , seeing the picture of it permit us to get into it, and finally we can understand it. but it's not truth. It's the illusion.
we think there's always presence of the object and environnement itself, but in fact, there's only photo and the person who see that thing.

fact 3 : the creation of image, or art , was regarded as an activity of human which could mirror attitude of human over the nature and society. It was always part of the "culture" and like this word came from the notion of cultivation - history of settling and developpement of community. - it functioned as one of the characteristics that we, individuals distinguish ourself from each other.
but with photo, unlike other mediums of art, it depends more on tech > increase of quality, but shortage of diiversity.
so it wasn't enough to function as a mirror which can show ourselves..

fact 4 : we want to believe that we are different from each other, and so we are special.
fact 5 : and the art before 18C, it fonctioned as special gift of high class for show thier speciallty.
fact 6 : dessinateur, qui observe, fonction comme les collectioneurs de la forme..... on fait notre propre archive que notre main se rappelle chaque moment ou on dessine.